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Milos Bujisic, PhD


Clinical Associate Professor of Marketing and Statistics at the NYU Integrated Marketing program. Prior to joining academia, he owned and managed several businesses that provided financial and marketing consultancy services. His research is focused on applied marketing methodology and customer experience in different service settings such as hospitals, hotels, restaurants, and air travel.


Wlla Obeidat, PhD

Research Associate

Associate Professor of tourism and hospitality at Mutah University Archology and Tourism program. Prior to joining academia, she worked in several international hotel chains and educational marketing institutions with focus on customer service. Her research is focused on tourism, sustainability, and women empowerment with a focus on using qualitative research methodologies in different settings such as government institutions, educational institutions, and community-based projects.


Manja Milivojevic

R&D Associate

Head of R&D in Case3D company. She is a trained architect with the degree from University of Novi Sad. Her main expertise is the development of Augmented and Virtual Reality solutions. She has more than 5 years of experience in leading research and development division in a major international provider of real estate and technology solutions.


Anil Bilgihan

Research Director

An Associate Professor at the Florida Atlantic University within the College of Business where he holds the Dean's Distinguished Research Fellowship. He has over 70 refereed journal articles and 80 conference proceedings in the areas of e-commerce and Hospitality Information Systems with an h-index of 38 and i10-index of 68.


Vanja Bogicevic, PhD


Clinical Assistant Professor of Hospitality Marketing at the NYUSPS Jonathan M. Tisch Center of Hospitality. She earned a Ph.D. in Consumer Sciences from the Ohio State University, an M.S. from the University of South Florida and an M.Arch. from University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Her research explores the role of design, service technologies, and virtual reality on consumer behavior.


Su Yun Bae, PhD

Research Associate

Assistant Professor of Fashion Merchandising and Retail Studies at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. She holds a doctoral degree from Ohio State University in Fashion and Retailing, with a minor in Quantitative Psychology. Her professional experiences in retail management, buying, and sourcing have supported her research in fashion and retail trends including omnichannel retail management and technologies and LGBTQ consumer markets.


Lana Radosevic

Media Director

Film and TV production graduate from Faculty of Dramatic Arts of University of Arts, Belgrade, one of the most prestigious film, television and media study programs in the region. Experienced Production Manager with a demonstrated history of working on filming the movies, TV series, commercials, music videos in media and advertising industry. The author of several short movie scripts with an experience in creative writing for different media.


Milan Curcin

Outsourcing Director

Senior QA analyst with more than 20 years of experience in the IT industry. He is leading our outsourcing services and managing our Belgrade, Serbia office. He has full system development lifecycle experience, including developing and implementing test plans, test cases and test processes for various web-based financial and business applications.


Ian Li, PhD

Project Director

Lecturer at Consumer Sciences program at The Ohio State University. Earned a PhD from OSU and MS from Michigan State University. His research focus is consumers’ psychological and behavioral responses to services, diversity management as well as gender/queer studies, and the emerging lifestyle hotels. He is co-managing our Shanghai, China operations.


Sofija Savic

Project Manager

Project manager in Case3D. Graduate of Master of Architecture (M.Arch.), Faculty of Technical Science, Novi Sad. She in charge of maintaining and fostering relationship with our Visualisation, VR, and Video Production clients. She manages different types of projects: CGIs, Animations, Interactive PropTech solutions and serves as the day-to-day client contact regarding scheduling, timelines, documentation and deliverables.

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